Polyester Forming Fabrics

Product description

      According to the weaving type, polyester forming fabrics can be divided into 4-shed, 5-shed, 8-shed, 16-sehd, 24-shed etc.
      According to the category, it can be divided into single layer fabric, double layer fabric, two-and a half layer fabric and three-layer fabric.

      4-shed and 5-shed series single layer fabric is standard type of polyester forming fabric in paper making, mainly used for producting cultural paper( single glue, double glue and color glue), printing paper, glazed paper, packing paper, common newsprint and so on. Suitable for common fourdrinier paper machine.
       8-shed single layer fabric is suitable for producing the packing paper which be requested with big quantity, like kraft paper, cardboard, corrugated paper and so on. Also could be used for producing common printing paper. Suitable for common fourdrinier paper machine.
       8-shed double layer fabric is suitable for producing quality printing paper which include dictionary paper, offset printing paper, newsprint and wrap paper. Also is could be used for producing tissu paper and the surface pulp, lining pulp, core pulp and bottom pulp of the board paper etc. Suitable for medium and high speed paper making machine.

      16-shed double and a half layer fabric is suitable for producing quality printing paper, such as offset printing paper, copperplate paper, newsprint and cigarette paper series ( wrap paper and filter tips paper), also is could be used for producing toilet paper, tissue paper and surface pulp, lining pulp, core pulp and bottom pulp of the board paepr etc. Suitable for medium and high speed paper making machine.

       Multi-shed three-layer SSB forming fabrics is suitable for producing quality printing paper, tissue paper and cigarette paper etc. Suitable for high speed paper making machine.
                4-shed single layer fabric                                8-shed single layer fabric
            16-shed two adn a half layer fabric                              20-sehd triple layer fabric
   Weaving series&types  Model of Fabrics  Wire diameter (mm)  Density (wire/cm)  Strength (N/cm)  
 Permeability (m³/㎡h)
 Warp  Weftaralle Warp  WeftWeft  Area of the Surface surface  
4-shed single layrer fabric
 27254  0.20  0.25  29  22  ≥600  7500±500
 27274  0.20  0.27  30  22.5  ≥600  7600±500
 31204  0.20  0.22  35  28  ≥600  6500±500
 5-shed single layer fabric
 27255  0.20  0.25  30  23  ≥600  7600±500
 27285  0.22  0.28  30  23  ≥500  7800±500
 31205  0.20  0.21  35  32  ≥600  6700±500
 8-shed single
layer fabric
 25358  0.22  0.35  28  19.5  ≥700  9000±500
 25408  0.22  0.40  29.5  19  ≥700  8500±500
 27358  0.22  0.35  29  20  ≥700  8500±500
 27408  0.22  0.40  31.5  19  ≥700  8000±500
8-shed double
layer fabric
 56188  0.17  0.19/0.22  61.3  51.2  ≥850  6800±500
 60188  0.18  0.18/0.20  66  49  ≥900  6000±500
 62188  0.15  0.16/0.17  70.5  50.5  ≥900  5700±500
 16-shed two and a half layer fabric  365016  0.28  0.20,0.27/0.50,0.50  37-38  31-32  ≥1200  8500±500
 424516  0.25  0.20,0.25/0.45,0.45  48-49  42-43  ≥1250  8000±500
 562516  0.18  0.13,0.18/0.25,0.25  57-58  46-47  ≥1500  6500±500
 563516  0.20  0.13,0.25/0.35,0.35  56-57  61-62  ≥1500  7000±500
 602516  0.18  0.13,0.20/0.25,0.25  62-63  55-56  ≥1500  6200±500
 603516  0.20  0.13,0.25/0.35,0.35  61-62  52-53  ≥1500  6300±500
20-shed triple layer fabric  563520  0.15,0.20  0.15,0.15/0.35,0.35  70  55  ≥1600  5000±500
24-shed triple layer fabric  364024    0.20/0.20  0.20,0.17/0.40,0.40  42  52  ≥1600  6500±500

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